An interview by
Sheila |
Stacy-Deanne's Sites: Posted October 19, 2008
I am a novelist with Simon and Schuster. I have been in the business for 12
years. I started writing professionally when I was 19 years old. I was born,
raised and live in Houston, Texas. I am an only child. I’m single and I have no
children. SheilaMonique: Tell us about your book MELODY. Stacy-Deanne: Melody is my latest book. It is a thriller, mystery and crime fiction book. A woman is convinced that her sister’s new boyfriend is hiding something. She decides to dig around to find out more about him. While doing this she soon learns that not only is he a little too mysterious but also potentially dangerous.
I’d pick a maid for a day. I don’t mind cleaning. I do hate to do bathrooms
though, LOL! When I was in high school I worked in the Ritz Carlton training
program and cleaning was a job I did. A day at the spa would be nice because
I’ve never been but I am kind of self-conscious about things like that and am
not sure if I would be very comfortable. So I’d do the maid thing, LOL. SheilaMonique: What is a typical day of writing like for you?
I am writing everyday of course. It’s pretty leisurely and it depends on how
much I’ve gotten into a particular book I’ve began. If I am very into it, which
means very excited about writing it, I will write constantly. If I am just
getting into a story and feeling my way around it, then I may have more space
that day in between what I am working on. I also write articles and am an editor
so sometimes I am editing and doing articles even if I’m not writing a novel.
There’s always plenty for me to do. SheilaMonique: A friend has had it trying her hand at writing; she believes none of her stories will be accepted. Do you have any tips and words of wisdom for her?
Well, if she “believes” this then it shows she’s negative and needs to think
positive first of all. Why would she expect someone to publish or work if she
doesn’t even have the confidence in it? I’d tell her she shouldn’t be writing if
this is how she feels. That part is her responsibility. I have aspiring writer
friends and they know the kind of person I am so they would never come to me
with this type of negativity. My major tip for a person who is speaking like
this is to work on their confidence or stop writing. How can you possibly be
serious about publishing your work if you feel no one will accept it? It
wouldn’t make sense. If you don’t believe in your work then you shouldn’t expect
others to. In writing you need a very thick skin and a person like this is not
thick skinned. SheilaMonique: What in your opinion makes for good chemistry between your leading characters?
It could be a number of things and you really can’t say what. It’s not until you
began writing the book that you can tell if characters really go together or
not. That’s why I don’t “make” most of my characters into couples starting out.
I get to know their personalities when I began writing the book then if they
have chemistry, it will come out naturally. That’s when you know if your
characters are working or not. Sometimes certain characters won’t fit no matter
how good the story is. If they hold up the flow of the story and are not needed,
ditch them. LOL SheilaMonique: Who is the one person who has had the biggest influence on your life?
My mother. (R.I.P mom) SheilaMonique: If you were given the chance to go any place in the world, where would you go?
England SheilaMonique: If you weren't a writer, what would you do?
I am not sure. Writing is a part of me. It’s who I am. I do have many other
interests. I am a humorous person and I love to sing too. I could be an actress,
comedienne or singer of a rock band. LOL, it’s just that I am also kind of shy
so some things aren’t easy for me to get into. Writing fits me well. I also
love working with hair and make up so if I weren’t doing something in the
entertainment field I’d be a beautician. SheilaMonique: What was the most exciting moment in your writing career?
I’ve had quite a few. I guess the biggest would be when Simon and Schuster
accepted my work. SheilaMonique: Did you have any pets while growing up? Do you have any now?
I always used to have gold fish and I had a little sea turtle I kept in the
tank. I loved having fish but they always died on me and stunk up the house,
LOL. No matter how clean we kept the tank we couldn’t get rid of the fish smell.
I do not have any pets now but it’s funny that I’ve been thinking of getting
fish again. I don’t know, LOL SheilaMonique: Which room in your home is your favorite?
My bedroom. It’s like my lair. I’m a homebody so I don’t go out much. I love if
that way because I’m a very solitary person. My computer’s in the living room,
but I wind down in the bedroom. It’s where I am comfortable and can just relax. SheilaMonique: What do you like most about being an author? What do you like least?
I love the art of writing first of all. I love the prestige of being published.
I love having fans and readers that have been touched by my work. I love being
an inspiration to aspiring writers. What I dislike is some elements of the
publishing world and also it’s hard to get close to people. A lot of people
can’t separate “the person” from “the author”. People rarely try to get to know
the real me. SheilaMonique: Is there a piece of advice that you have received from another author that you still pay attention to today?
Well before I
was published a lot of people said not to give up if I really believed that
writing was for me. I still believe in that one and always will no matter what I
do. SheilaMonique: While you are writing do you edit, or finish the first draft then edit?
I finish the LAST draft and edit, LOL. Sometimes a book can have multiple
drafts, not just one or two. I edit after the work is completed. I don’t feel it
makes sense to edit while writing a story because you haven’t even finished the
story. Editing while writing would be too early in my opinion. SheilaMonique: Tell us about EVERLASTING.
Everlasting was my first book published by Simon and Schuster. It’s a Latino
love story centered around two teens that have ties with gangs. The teens aren’t
in the gangs and do not agree with that lifestyle. Their friends and family do
all they can to keep the two apart. The teens find true love anyway and become
soul mates. I consider it today’s Romeo and Juliet. SheilaMonique: Can you tell us about any of your upcoming books?
I have completed many manuscripts and am working on other novels. I am also
working on a police series that focuses on the detectives in “Melody”. As far
as these being upcoming, authors do not know exactly when books are going to be
published. I am waiting to see what my latest project will lead to. I truly have
no idea but am positive I’ll be happy with the results. It’s too soon to say
when my next release will be right now. SheilaMonique: Do you listen to music while you write?
No. SheilaMonique: Where can your fans find you on the net?
EVERYWHERE! I am on thousands of different kinds of sites. You can find
interviews with me everywhere. I am also on many social networks including My
Space, Face book, Shelfari, Black Planet and Goodreads. Just type my name into
your favorite search engine and you’ll find me. My official web site is SheilaMonique: Thank you for stopping by Wild on Books and visiting with us, is there anything you would like to add? Stacy-Deanne: I would love to thank Wild on Books for this opportunity. I think you’re a great site. Thanks for supporting authors like me! I also hope the audience of this interview will check out my books if they haven’t already. Keep an eye out for my work! It’s been a pleasure. My books are in stores everywhere and they can also be ordered online. You can check out the sites below to learn more about me. Best wishes! |
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