St. Martin's Griffin
Release Date:
May 13, 2008
Contemporary Romance
Ménage M/F/M
Bookmark Rating:

Reviewed by
Jennifer Ray
Review Posted:
May 2008
years ago, Jaci ran from the two men who meant more to her than anything, unsure
whether she could handle their extreme sexual predilections. She knew she
wanted Cam – she always had – but Cam and his twin brother Chase together?
Ménage? No, she’d certainly never expected that.
Jaci travels to Virginia to do a decorating job for her best friend, Courtney
Sinclair, and swiftly finds herself chin deep in the secretive group that the
Sinclairs and the Falladay twins are an integral part of. Cam and Chase make it
clear from the start that they have every intention of seducing Jaci into their
bed and their lives, and this time, Jaci finds it impossible to resist the sexy
But both Cam and Jaci have secrets that threaten to tear their precarious
relationship apart. They must learn to open up to each other if their newfound
relationship is to survive.
When I first discovered Lora Leigh’s work almost two years ago, the
Bound Hearts series was
one of the first I read – no, make that devoured – by this author.
Infused with wicked sensuality and raw emotions, this series gained its
following because it is about more than sheer sexual titillation. Underneath it
all, each story is about the unselfish love the men of ‘The Club’ have for the
women in their lives.
Each of the stories in this series is chock full of the steamiest ménage love
scenes you will find in a romance novel. Ms. Leigh’s newest release for the
Bound Hearts saga,
Wicked Pleasure, only
kicks that steam up a few more degrees! I guarantee you that sexy twins Cam and
Chase Falladay will make your temperature rise in the very best of ways…
*grin* Their relationship with Jaci dates back to their childhood friendship,
which serves well to increase the trust Jaci has for the two men who are intent
on pleasuring her simultaneously. And really, that’s the core of the
Bound Hearts books –
trust. Without trust, neither Jaci nor the other heroines in these books could
indulge in the sexual games their men immerse them in.
Jaci is the kind of heroine you want to stand up and cheer for. While she has
endured both pain and social destruction at the hands of her enemies, she has
weathered it all with considerable decorum and diplomacy. Of course, that
doesn’t mean she simply lets them walk all over her. Oh no, Jaci has a plan to
strip her foes of any power they have over her or her life and show the
dastardly duo to the world as the deviants they truly are. The trick is to
accomplish her mission before Cam takes matters into his own hands. This
strong, independent woman is determined to handle things on her own. With a
heart of gold apparent even in her early childhood and a spine of steel, it is
no stretch to imagine just why Cam loves Jaci so much.
As for Cam and Chase, I daresay they could seduce even the most staid woman with
barely a crook of their finger. Together, the sexuality the twins exude melts
the ink right off the pages, but even on his own, Cam easily ensnares the heart
and stirs the desire of both Jaci and the reader.
Despite the trauma he suffered when he was younger, Cam wants to give the woman
he loves every part of himself, no matter how long it takes him to get there.
If it were any woman other than Jaci, who was the child that gave him what he
needed most at his lowest point before becoming the woman who gives him
unconditional love and trust, I don’t believe he could have opened up as he did
and let go the pain of his past. The history Jaci and Cam share together make
it possible to believe it as his emotional scars heal in her tender arms.
Wicked Pleasure is a
whirlwind of sensual delight and deep emotion. Readers will be swept off their
feet by the same hunger and passion Lora Leigh’s characters experience as they
find themselves unable to put this potent story down until they reach the very
last page! |
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