Samhain Publishing
Release Date:
July 31, 2007
Contemporary Romance
Bookmark Rating:

Reviewed by
Jennifer Ray
Review Posted:
June 2008
Jake had always dreamed of having Alexis Knight handcuffed to his bed, but
finding the long-lost Allie in just this state when he returned home took him
completely off guard. But hanky panky is the last thing on either of their mind
at the moment. Allie has just regained partial memory after having amnesia for
the last year, and Jake knows he must be the one to deliver some devastating
news to his life-long friend and crush.
Allie has been lost for so long, and she needs more than anything to come home
to something familiar. What she finds instead is that her entire world has
changed, nothing is as she left it, and even her childhood friend Jake has
changed in ways she never dreamed of… Surely Jake didn’t look this hot before?
He certainly never managed to aggravate her as much then as he does now. Worse,
he seems to take a certain delight in doing so. And her quiet friend Jake
wasn’t this dominant – was he???
A few near accidents almost take Allie’s life, and suddenly they don’t look
quite so much like accidents anymore. It becomes ever more evident that someone
has made Allie a target, and if Jake can’t protect her, he will lose her
Mackenzie McKade has a reputation for the ability to make readers feel
everything her characters feel. Her newest release, LOST BUT NOT
FORGOTTEN, is a prime example of this talent! McKade ran us through the
gamut of emotions in this book: fear, love, desire, pain, and more. With
everything that happened to these characters, my emotions were right along with
them every step of the way. Truly, it is the kind of writing that makes you
forget these are fictional characters instead of friends, even if just for a
short time.
The character of Alexis ‘Allie’ Knight absolutely broke my heart. What
she has been through for the last year, with only the hope of coming home to
sustain her, and what she finds when she returns is just heart wrenching. If
she had not come home to find her best friend Jake there to stand by her in this
time of her greatest need, I am not sure how she would have coped. Although she
is a strong, independent woman, the trials this woman has suffered are enough to
thrust anyone past their breaking point. Dependable, trustworthy Jake proves
the perfect salve to her wounded soul.
Jake is probably one of the most stand-up heroes you will find in a romance
novel who never comes across as unrealistic. Jake seems real. He seems
possible. I find myself hoping against hope that I will meet a man like Jake
who can slip easily into his role as my best friend and lover just as Jake did
for Allie. But this good guy is no pushover – in fact he is an oh-so-sexy
Dominant who knows what he wants and exactly what his lover needs in the
bedroom, and he is more than ready to prove it to Allie.
There were enough small clues in the suspense plot that I was able to deduce the
identity of the villain in this story, although the motivation behind the
culprit’s dastardly actions were definitely a surprise when the big reveal
came. Still, figuring out who the villain was early did not detract in the
slightest from the excitement at the end of the story when everything culminated
in a very exciting action scene.
LOST BUT NOT FORGOTTEN is a must read for anyone who enjoys
tension ridden suspense plots and explosive love scenes in their romance
novels! I’ve read it twice already and know that I will enjoy it again and
again through the years.
Note: This review was originally
written by Jennifer Ray for another review site. It is being reposted at
Wild on Books. |
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