Wild on Books - Book Reviews



Into the Mist
Falcon Mercenary Group, Book 1

Maya Banks














Samhain Publishing

Release Date:
February 5, 2008

Contemporary Romance
Action Adventure
Paranormal Romance
Shape Shifter


Bookmark Rating:

Reviewed by
Jennifer Ray

Review Posted:
May 2008


Tyana has every expectation of disliking Eli Chance when she tracks him down with the intent to glean knowledge from him concerning the chemical agent that changed her brother’s life forever and Eli’s apparent control over that agent’s effects on him.  But not even the best intel could never prepare her for the force of nature that is Eli Chance.  With every look, ever touch, he disarms her more surely than if he’d stripped her of every gun and knife she owns. 

Eli can’t quite figure what the sexy little mercenary is up to when she targets him in a Singapore nightclub, but he can’t wait to find out.  From the fierce muscle tone in her arms to the combat boots on her feet, everything about Tyana Berezovsky demands his attention. 

With an unknown enemy working against them and Tyana’s own team determined to keep her from Eli at all costs, Tyana and Eli must work together to save the people they care most for in this world before it is too late.

Just when I thought I knew what to expect from Maya Banks’ writing, this talented author manages to surprise me yet again by venturing into the world of paranormal romance complete with full-on action adventure thrown in.  With her brand new series from Samhain Publishing, Falcon Mercenary Group, Maya Banks introduces an exciting new cast of characters guaranteed to stir the fantasies of romance readers everywhere.

The first book in the series, Into the Mist, introduces the men and woman that the series centers on, while simultaneously delivering an unconventional yet touching romance between Eli Chance and Tyana Berezovsky.  This couple’s mating dance is definitely a bit – OK, a LOT different from most, preferring to throw a few well-aimed punches and roundhouse kicks at each other as a form of mercenary-style foreplay.  LOL  But underneath it all, this pair connects on the most fundamental of levels, sharing traumatic childhoods and lives devoid of romantic love – until they find each other. 

It is obvious from the beginning that Eli and Tyana are well-matched, each with the ability to kick the other’s butt into gear when called for, and each with empathy for the other’s past – an empathy born of painful experience.

With a suspense that arcs throughout the series,  the author deftly builds anticipation for the next piece of this riveting story, leaving fans with just enough tidbits concerning future stories to encourage speculation on the series’ mysteries. 

As the author of any good saga would do, Maya Banks finishes Into the Mist with a satisfying ending for our intrepid couple that is as much a beginning as it is an ending.  Indeed, the finish will leave readers panting for the next book in this sizzling series, hoping against hope that their favorite member of the Falcon Mercenary Group will be the next hero.  


NoteThis review was originally written by Jennifer Ray for another review site.  It is being reposted at Wild on Books.


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Into the Mist:  Falcon Mercenary Group, Book 1 by Maya Banks

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