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Lord of Pleasure
School of Gallantry, Book 2

Delilah Marvelle

















Release Date:
August 4, 2009

Historical Romance


Bookmark Rating:

4 1/2 Bookmarks!

Reviewed by
Natalie S.

Review Posted:
June 2009


Lady Charlotte Chartwell is destitute.  Her husband, a philanderer of the worst order, left her with nothing in his will.  With no hope of an income save selling her body, Charlotte is resigned to her fate.  Walking alone in a favorite spot for men of the ton to ride horses, Charlotte knows she will be able to catch the eye of someone.  She has no idea that society’s favorite, the Lord of Pleasure, is about to become more than just an acquaintance. 

Alexander Baxendale, the Earl of Hawksford, listens as Charlotte boldly makes her offer.  No longer as risqué as he used to be, Alexander turns her down and while she is stunned, he knows that her reputation is the only thing that she can keep her own and he doesn’t want to be the man to ruin her.  Feeling more than just a passing fancy for this beautiful widow, Alexander tries to make her life easier only to have her turn his charity down.  When he accompanies a friend to a new “school” of gallantry in which men learn charm and seduction skills, he is in for the surprise of his life – the woman he is trying to help, Lady Charlotte Chartwell, is the new Conductor of Admissions! 

LORD OF PLEASURE’s plot coincides closely with the first School of Gallantry installment, MISTRESS OF PLEASURE.  More than once I got tickled at the lengths Alexander went to in order find ways to be with Charlotte. Their passion and almost unspoken awareness of each other was heady and sexually intense.  Charlotte was a stubborn minx, she only wanted Alexander’s love – she didn’t need fancy trappings or anything like that.  She wanted a man to love her – and Alexander really did – he just didn’t know it.  

Delilah Marvelle has a written a delightful second installment to her fantastic series.  LORD OF PLEASURE takes the stiffness of English society and makes a few rules of its own! Charlotte and Alexander’s love is a match made in heaven and LORD OF PLEASURE is a marvelous look at their lives and what hurdles can be jumped in order to find that special someone.  I can’t wait to see what Ms. Marvelle comes up with next to entice historical romance lovers.  I, for one, will be first in line for her next release!






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